Avetti Support Agreement

Avetti at its discretion will determine if the reported issue is support or professional services. You will be advised as early as possible if the ticket is professional services. Support covers help with using the application but is limited to specific activities. The following guidelines are used to determine if a ticket is billable as professional services.  Professional services are performed during business hours and if large in scope a Service Order is created for your approval. At the discretion of your project manager minor changes may be applied to your support package. Bug reports are welcome and will be corrected in the latest version of the code. You can then migrate to that version when available or request professional services to help upgrade.

724 Support is limited to site down and major order processing issues outside of normal business hours.

Support is an annual package that covers the standby time for trained resources and includes a $ amount to be applied to support tickets and issues.  If you exceed the package we bill any additional support if needed monthly.

If Avetti does not have access or sufficient access to your servers on your AWS or other cloud account support might be delayed until access is provided.

Support or Professional Services?

Support covers help with using the application but is limited to specific activities. The following guidelines are used to determine if a ticket is billable as professional services.

  • If you require one on one training on a feature this will be considered professional services.
  • If the ticket requests work on your server to perform code changes, template change or database changes then its professional services.
  • If the ticket requests work on your server to install software, reconfigure the server or any software or check network issues then its professional services.
  • If you have modified your server environment from the Avetti standard, or have modified the code and the issue is due to your server changes or code modifications then its professional services.
  • If you need to have code migrated or your server updated to the latest tag or any code deployed to your server then its professional services.
  • Work to make changes from PCI,  Accessibility, SEO,  Performance, Best practices scans or other requests you provide are professional services.
  • If you need to have our team ssh to your servers to check server log files, database tables, check mail server connectivity, install any application or check server or database performance then its professional services.
  • If you need our team to login to the admin pages of your servers to check how a promotion, discount, coupon, gift card or any other configuration is configured then this will be considered professional services if Avetti considers these requests to be too frequent or excessive. Avetti will recommend training courses for your staff.

We strongly recommend that customers have QA and Dev servers setup on the aws cloud and replicate their production preview environment which has no real customers or orders to the cloud server so that our staff does not need to access your production servers. if you need help with an order then you may be asked to replicate the shop db to the qa server and scrub the db of customer data. If you prefer we can access your production server if it is on the aws cloud. If you have a server on not on the cloud then professional services are required for any on server work that requires SSH access to that server and any time needed to setup VPNs or work through special access procedures.

We may also require that you replicate your production environment to an aws cloud server if we cannot access your production server or its network connectivity is too slow.

Response Time Service Level Agreement

  • The 4 hr SLA is for 4 hours

The SLA (Service Level Agreement) refers to response time from the time tickets are placed in our mantis issue tracking system and we are notified in the chat support window of the existance of the ticket. Notification of an issue by chat, or email still requires a ticket be created in mantis and the ticket #:title placed in the chat window.

If a ticket is created at 4 pm on a weekday then Avetti has until noon the next business day to respond to the ticket. If the issue is a site down or major order processing issue and it is occuring overnight, or on holidays or weekends email [email protected] and also put the message in the chat window.  Also reach out via email to your project manager.

The [email protected] email goes to a list of resources will respond within the 4 hour SLA.   They will also route the ticket to additional resources if needed to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

724 Support is outside of our business hours and holidays.   Business hours refer to the timezone and hours of operation at the Avetti Canada head office from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, excluding Canadian holidays.

Note that Response time does not mean resolution. Avetti will resolve issues as soon as possible however issues are prioritized by severity.

Support Reporting Procedure

  • You must include full screen screen shots showing issues. We need to see the URL bar and the browser used.
  • Attach any files that show the problem or hold imported data.
  • Include urls to the pages with the problem. Include Access info. Try to replicate the issue on preview first.
  • Create a ticket in mantis then in the group chat window advise us of the ticket by pasting the ticket #:title
  • You must notifiy us via chat of the existance of the ticket.
  • If you update the ticket paste ticket #:title Updated

To access emergency support after hours create the Mantis ticket then email [email protected] and your project manager and put a chat message in Slack.

Note that these terms and conditions will be updated from time to time. Any disputes have the same venue and governing law as the Avetti Commerce software licensing agreement. Delay of any payment to Avetti may cause resolution of reported issues to be delayed. The English version of this document takes precedence over any other version in any other language if there are differences in content or different meanings via incorrect translation.